Friday, 24 September 2010

The 2000AD messege board 'secret project'

This was the strip that Shaun Avery (writer) and myself contributed to the 2000AD messege boards secret project, as organised by the Legendary Shark. The project was a huge book of fan, and some pro, artwork and goodwill messeges, all collated into a book which was then sent to artist Carlos Ezquerra, who recently had a lung removed due to cancer. Carlos was allways a favourite of mine as a child and still amazes with his artwork to this day. A true hero to me.

The page was drawn at A4 size, coloured traditionally with inks and a brush.

Friday, 10 September 2010

Heres the finished pic. My computer colouring needs toning down alittle, but it's improving slowly.

Sunday, 5 September 2010

This was drawn for the monthly 2000adonline comp. It features the great 'Judge Dredd', not that one. The alternative one from prog 474, of course. :-D

Sunday, 29 August 2010

My new facebook profile pic. I'm looking gooooooood. :-P Messing around with Manga Studio Debut, which I've had for about a week now. It's good!

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

I was having a clearout at home and found some old pics. This one was a 'flyer', that I posted to several comics. Its dated 1995. Old! The idea was that this flyer fitted neatly into a regular envelope, thus bypassing the slush pool and having more chance of getting in front of the editors eyeballs. It did the trick. It pays to be sneeky sometimes, heh. :-P

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Heres some bits from my skecthing sesh last night. I'm muddling over some ideas for the main species of this new Omnivistascope strip. They are supposedly a humanoid, neanderthal-esque/ reptilian race! :-D

Friday, 5 March 2010

I'm about to start throwing some ideas around for another short story from the mind of Paul Scott, for inclusion in Omnivistascope, issue 6. Time to shake off some more of that rust and get down to some drawing. ;-D

Recently dug out my old portfolio, which contained lots of stuff I had forgotten about over the years. I'll post some of the more...bizarre stuff later, but here are two pages from a Dredd sample. They are about 10 yeqars old now. The B+W page is first (could'nt work out how to re-arrange this post!).

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

I recently found a mint copy of the Judge Dredd Mega-special, from 1993. This issue contains my first paid work, a Judge Hershey story called "hov bus blues", written by the fantastic Robbie Morrison, creator of Nikolai Dante. I had a real nightmare drawing this, as the two things I was'nt confident in drawing, women and vehicles were the two main ingredients of the story! I actually drew the whole thing twice, as then editor David Bishop did'nt like the first panel. Or the fact that she had her helmet on during the whole thing!